We traveled approximately 2 million miles and took approximately 768 pictures, and we have nothing to show for it. Well we do have pictures, and Miller does have another ear infection, so I can't say we have
nothing to show for it! This post could be called "The pictures I forgot to take" We did so many things that I didn't mange to capture. We (translate I) lost our little point and shoot camera last summer and haven't replaced it yet. As much as I L.O.V.E. my big fancy camera, it isn't really practical to tote around in your purse. I
So wish I had been able to capture more of our wonderful times. Not to worry, I manged to get the whole crew out of the house on Black Friday by 7:15 a.m. so I could get one a t a reasonable price! Now back to the story of our trip...
First we went to visit Allen's mom to celebrate her birthday. Boy was she surprised when we rang the doobell at 9:30 at night.
We had a really great day with her. (No picures of our lunch in a fine french resturaunt)Jackson wasn't sure about it, but he worked up the courage, to get on Papa's tractor. Heaven for him would be Papa, a tractor (that doesn't make noise) and an endless sippy cup of milk!
Allen had to head back so he could work (to finance our lifestyle of leisure), and we headed down to Greenville and stayed with my sister. I'm not sure if it was her idea of heaven or not, because we sure do bring excitement, adventure and a lot of headaches into her life when we come. {All of the good pictures are on her camera, so I'll get those later!}
Miller's love for Michele's Great Dane, Sassy, has not diminished in the least. If anything they are more fond of each other than last time.
My mom was busy getting her whole house recarpeted, so we didn't get to see her as much as we would have liked, but she's coming for Christmas, so there will be lots of time for visiting then. {No pictures again}
We spent the week visiting with our friends in the day and making sure Michele knew how much we love her at night! Tuesday Jackson had his first visit to the dentist and we were so pleased at how well he did. It may have been that the dentist is a friend of his Papa's, but we don't care, we are just thrilled that there was no hysteria involved! {Where are you pictures?}
It was so great to have the time to spend with my friends and their children since we don't get to do that too often! I wish I had been better about taking pictures of our visits! Katie's sons were such good sports and so was Katie because Miller pulled out every single item in her house. Twice. {No pictures of that either}
Cathy's daughter Emerson is a hoot (like her mama) and Jackson and she really got along well. Guess what? Cathy took a picture and sent it o me! Hooray for Cathy!
So then on Saturday, about 1 week after we got into town I took my camera out of my car and began taking a million and one pictures of the rest of our trip.
On Friday evening my brother and his family arrived from California. Jackson was beside himself! He is absolutely smitten with his older cousin Miya. She is such a great girl, and really did a super duper job taking care of Jackson and Miller.
Whew, I think this post is getting a little long, so I better break it up and bore you with another post about our trip! Thanks for reading all this drivel already. I know most of you are related to us and all, but thank you anyway!