Jackson has been very eager to start tennis lessons and he began taking group lessons in April. He loves it. His coach is the same one that I take lessons from, so he feels very grown up!
The lessons are at another school on the island, so he gets to meet some other children as well.
He loves his tennis and I love that I don’t have to sit on a bug filled soccer field all stinking day! Yes, I might still hold some soccer season animosity.
Most of the lesson is working on hand/eye coordination and ball control, but he doesn’t care what they do, he thinks it is fun! His skills are really improving and I am looking forward to the day when we can really rally.
Hopefully he can continue this sport for a lifetime!
Harris loves his tennis lessons too Holly! I encourage both of the children to take tennis because it's such a lifetime sport. This is my first year playing USTA. I thought I would be playing doubles but all I've played is singles! I find I really love singles because it's such good exercise- though I don't laugh as much as when I play doubles. Jackson looks great out there!