He is really into hanging with the big kids
Wearing a bathing suit all day every day.
Climbing, fishing and eating.
He is turning into a big boy right before my eyes.
Kingfishers are a bird that is pretty common here on our island home. I had never seen them before, so it has been interesting to get to see them pretty close up. We often see them fishing in the shallow water right out our back door. I believe that they live and nest somewhere close by because they are pretty easily found out our backdoor.
Most of the time we don’t actually see them catch very much. Sometimes my crew is rambunctious. (Did you already know that?)
The other day as we were heading out the door to go fishing and I had my camera with me. Just as I was about to open the door, Jackson saw the Kingfisher right off our back steps. Since we have hurricane proof glass we didn’t scare this one off.
Check this out
walking along with the comb up…
walking with the comb down…
checking out something on the fence….
and he got it! a lizard lost it’s life.
now he has to get that whole wiggly thing down… blech!
look at his throat! whenever I eat lizard it goes straight to my hips!
and he goes right back to walking around with his comb up…
do you think he can feel the lizard wiggling in his tummy?
then we went fishing…………
we didn’t catch anything.