Thursday, January 2, 2014

Christmas Day 2013

The boys had us up nice and early on Christmas day!  {They are up early every day, so why should this day be any different?}

I think I’ll let the photos speak for themselves


Can you hear Miller screaming, “He came!!!”NIK_4761NIK_4765


Flarp was a huge hit!  Too bad it ended up all over the place!NIK_4773

Minifigs are always cause for a break in opening gifts!NIK_4778NIK_4787


Miller got a personalized apron…perfect for our budding “cooker”


Jackson made us this book of portraits.  It is awesome!




Somehow I hid Allen’s gift and forgot to get it out from the hidey spot.  So after all the gifts had been opened and we had not seen Allen’s big gift, I had to run upstairs and quickly retrieve it, wrap it and give it to him.  Too bad I don’t have a picture of him because his face was priceless.  He looked like I had given him some left wing spying device.  After a little while of fiddling with it, he decided that the Apple TV is pretty cool!

We had such an amazing day.  I don’t have pictures of all the family time we shared and the boys playing and playing together.

1 comment:

  1. It was a fabulous Christmas and I am so glad I got to be there to share with you and the boys!
    Aunt Chele


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