Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miller Style

Miller loves to look at youtube and watch others dance to Gangan Style.  I’m really not sure what all the kids like so much about the video, but they love it!
Check it out, if you haven’t seen it

In case you are worried, we make Miller say “Pretty ladies” instead of Sexy ladies. I’m not ready to explain that yet!

Of course Miller had to copy it.  You can see him going back to the bed where the video is playing on the iPad.

I need help with my videoing. You have to turn the volume up to hear the music.  I put my hand over the microphone half way through.

Miller is such a mess, his shorts are on backwards and his shirt is on inside out and backwards!  He hasn’t mastered all the aspects of his many costume changes!  When we are just staying home, I really just let him do his own thing.
As far as Jackson goes in this video…who knows!
Love these boys with my whole heart!!
Oh, and I had to share this one too.  it is too cute to leave out!

Monday, January 28, 2013

January 25, 2013

Jackson had a play date on Friday afternoon.  Miller was quite upset to have to stay home with Allen and I.  We asked him what he wanted to do with us.  He said he wanted to go swimming. 
Yep in January.
We rode bikes to the pool.
Miller loved it.  I stayed nice and dry.
What did you do on January 25, 2013?

Monday, January 21, 2013


Since Halloween Miller has worn his Superman costume at LEAST once a day.  He spends more time in it than in his regular clothes. 


He loves all super heroes and this is what our ottoman looked like the other day!


Last Thursday Jackson lost his second front tooth.  I am obsessed with his smile!  I can’t get enough!  He has one tooth that is so close to poking through the gums so I know that  he is only going to look like this for a few more days.


He wasn’t sure if he wanted the tooth fairy to take that tooth, but then he forgot about it and somehow the tooth {in a ziplock baggie} has disappeared.  He says that the tooth fairy took it.  I happen to know that tooth fairy didn’t visit that night, nor did she leave any money.  What to do?

He is also obsessed with burping, underwear and all things gross.  I’m not kidding when I say that his Whoopee Cushion was his favorite gift at Christmas.

As far as they know, I have never burped {much less anything else} and let’s hope that they keep that belief for a long time!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Every Day Stuff

Last Friday I decided that we need to bite the bullet and go get flu shots.  Some people have no reaction, but we generally felt yucky most of the day Saturday.  Jackson ran a fever and so we missed the soccer game (darn!)



For Christmas I got a Nespresso machine and I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!  especially the milk frother.  Jackson wanted to try it.  He liked the cold milk froth, but he liked his mustache even better.


Sunday I woke up with a little motivation to clean out and rearrange.  Jackson is the world’s biggest pack- rat.  He literally cried when I threw out a shoe box with a free comic from a chic-Fil-A kids meal.  On the positive side, he still has the 3D glasses from the last movie we saw (and every other 3D movie we have seen).  He took the lenses out of these and wears them around sometimes.


When he puts on those glasses I just have to laugh.  It makes his pack- rat tendencies worth it.  He is such a sweet, sweet boy!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Only Here!?!

Way back on Christmas day, my friend, who lives close by, stopped at our house on her Jet Ski.  Living on the water can be very handy that way.

While we were sitting on the porch visiting, Miller  was on the dock playing when he noticed that there was a lizard trapped in our bucket.  We told him to lay the bucket on its side so that the lizard could get out.  (He may or may not have recently impaled a lizard when playing with it).  We used the word gently many times.

As it turned out the lizard was very friendly.  Which is surprising that word had not gotten out about some of the lizard catching shenanigans that go on in this area!

The lizard decided that rather than run free, he would catch a ride on Miller’s shoulder.


And there he stayed and stayed.DSCN2853

And kept hanging out…DSCN2854DSCN2855DSCN2858

Until Miller decided to go sit on Meg’s lap.


He named the lizard Michael.


Then he Michael ran over Meg’s chest and down her back!  I just love that expression!


At this point the lizard had enough, so he ran away.  INTO OUR HOUSE!  I am still sitting there (shocked) when I hear, “The lizard is climbing up the curtain!”  What???

Michael was captured and relocated to the great outdoors where he belongs.  Shortly after that, my friend did this.


And goodbye!DSCN2864

Just kidding she wasn’t scared of a little lizard!  Or was she?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Money, money money

In an earlier post I mentioned that we had some bad luck with our debit card last month. 


With examining our accounts so thoroughly, it made me realize that we have to be more careful than we have been.  In the U.S. we hardly ever carried cash.  Here in the Bahamas, I am rarely without cash.  Using cash really cuts down on credit card fraud.  Plus there is no denying when the money is gone.

We get warnings from the security detachment here that theft of all kinds goes up drastically before the holidays, but since it had never happened to us, we (we meaning me) was a little bit in denial.  No more denial!

Denial is not just a river in Egypt! 

This time of year we all begin our New year’s diets.  In our home we are on two diets.  Food diets and spending diets!

Allen is always after me to be more careful with my spending (and recording) and try as I might I just have never gotten the hang of it.  Spreadsheets are boring.

This year is going to be different.  We are committing to be more diligent and implement a Dave Ramsey type of budget.  i.e. if it’s not in the budget we just won’t be buying it.  What a downer.  However we are responsible adults, so we have to behave like it. Insert eye roll!

Maybe I’ll just have to jazz up the spreadsheets with some color and that will get me on a roll!

So since my word of the year is “OPEN” let’s see if I can be totally open to making some changes.

I vow to be open to documenting my expenditures every day.

I vow to be open with our household spending so that it lines up with our family goals.

We are at the beginning of a new year that promises to be the best yet and I am OPEN to all the possibilities!

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up: "the door was wide open".
Move or adjust (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and view.
(Open) A championship or competition with no restrictions on who may qualify to compete.
frank - overt - candid - free - public
unfold - begin - start - unlock
What does open mean to you?  It is an adjective verb or noun?
For the past several years I have chosen one simple word that I use as sort of a theme for the year.  You can see it here and here.  {Might have forgotten to post about last year’s word-grace} So far I have used: thrive, choose, experience, grace and now open.
It may be a little funny, but it really helps me center myself and remember what I want to work towards.
This year I want to be open to ideas, people and changes.  I want to be open with my heart, mind and open to new challenges.  I want to be open to it all!
Do you choose a word for the year?  If you do, what is it?  If not, think about it.