Thursday, January 3, 2013


Allowing access, passage, or a view through an empty space; not closed or blocked up: "the door was wide open".
Move or adjust (a door or window) so as to leave a space allowing access and view.
(Open) A championship or competition with no restrictions on who may qualify to compete.
frank - overt - candid - free - public
unfold - begin - start - unlock
What does open mean to you?  It is an adjective verb or noun?
For the past several years I have chosen one simple word that I use as sort of a theme for the year.  You can see it here and here.  {Might have forgotten to post about last year’s word-grace} So far I have used: thrive, choose, experience, grace and now open.
It may be a little funny, but it really helps me center myself and remember what I want to work towards.
This year I want to be open to ideas, people and changes.  I want to be open with my heart, mind and open to new challenges.  I want to be open to it all!
Do you choose a word for the year?  If you do, what is it?  If not, think about it.

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