Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Miller Style

Miller loves to look at youtube and watch others dance to Gangan Style.  I’m really not sure what all the kids like so much about the video, but they love it!
Check it out, if you haven’t seen it

In case you are worried, we make Miller say “Pretty ladies” instead of Sexy ladies. I’m not ready to explain that yet!

Of course Miller had to copy it.  You can see him going back to the bed where the video is playing on the iPad.

I need help with my videoing. You have to turn the volume up to hear the music.  I put my hand over the microphone half way through.

Miller is such a mess, his shorts are on backwards and his shirt is on inside out and backwards!  He hasn’t mastered all the aspects of his many costume changes!  When we are just staying home, I really just let him do his own thing.
As far as Jackson goes in this video…who knows!
Love these boys with my whole heart!!
Oh, and I had to share this one too.  it is too cute to leave out!

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