Miller and I spend a lot of time at the school while Jackson has soccer practices and games. Often times, while we are waiting, we go for a flower walk and look for flowers that are in bloom. Some times I have my camera or my phone, but just as often, I don’t. Here are a few things that were in bloom recently.
This lovely is an Angel Trumpet. Terry Gentry, I think of you for some reason when I see an Angel Trumpet.
Can you guess what this is?
This is a type of hibiscus? It is really unusual.
This is a more traditional type of hibiscus that we see in these parts.
All 3 of these are on the same bush.
At my lovely friend’s house. Stef are you surprised that I had my camera out while watching the boys kick the ball around?
These are very common. They are called Desert Rose, I think.
This bottle brush tree is so pretty right now. They remind me of something that would be in a Dr. Seuss book.
If you look closely you can see a bee coming in on the right side.
The bougainvillea is amazing right now. This one has lots of varieties even in the same branch.
This boganvelia is at the boys’ school.
This is one of my other favorites at the school It is an orchid tree. they just tie them on the tree and they do fantastic here in the heat an humidity.
What are the flowers looking like this Spring where you live?
Love your flower pictures--glad some make you think of me. Terry